written and performed by Ryan Devlin, Patrick Howard, Victor Kalka, and Jacqueline Marriott
“Gotterdammerung forces us to look inwards. It shows us our own self-absorption.
GÖTTERDÄMMERUNG, is a devised show about the way we relate to the death of celebrities. Why do we grieve for someone we didn't actually know? What is the difference between the death of David Bowie, and the death of a loved one? Why did Patrick build a shrine to Princess Diana?
Part documentary, part stand up comedy. Part theatre, part podcast.
Devised and Performed by Jacqueline Marriott, Patrick Howard, Ryan Devlin, and Victor Kalka
Arrive. Devise. Repeat., Sydney Fringe Festival 2016
From the Programme
"David Bowie, Alan Rickman, Harper Lee, Jon English, Anton Yelchin, Muhammad Ali, Gene Wilder. That was just this year, and that wasn’t even everyone. What do we do when someone that we loved, but didn’t know dies? Is it selfish that we feel sad – are we coopting the grief of others?
At least three cultural icons have died during the development of this show, and these questions don’t go away. It’s easy to scoff at the tweet or Facebook status eulogizing a celebrity; but it’s rarely ever that simple.
This show started with the death of David Bowie, but he was not the first – the list is nebulous – we are gradually loosing the artists or people that in many cases inspired us and shaped who we are.
It’s natural, any one who watches Game of Thrones knows that just because we like a person, it doesn’t make them immune to death – valar morghulis. But that doesn’t make it any easier. And at some point we have to confront our own mortality."